Monday 21 March 2011

Review Kayes Presentation on Art Direction

Kaye presented to the class some information on Art Direction and Copy Writing. Our next brief giving is one that causes us to decide on a route to take. The brief mention creating an advert for Philips LCD HD ready TV's, however, we need to either go down the route of a Copywriter or Art Director, it is this reason what got shown the presentation, to allow us to decide which path is right for us as individuals.

I found the presentation really interesting. She mentioned the different roles an art director takes. The choices they make, places they go and people that they meet. The work load and creativity required as well as excellent people skills. I learnt that an art Director works with the copy writer to come up with the initial idea. The he or she will decide on the imagery and creative approach to an advert. They book locations, attend the shoots, auditions. Art Directors decide on which illustrators, actors, photographers, dancers, etc they would like for their advert. An Art director has to have an open mind about a lot of different genres of music, fashion, films as well as a love for different genres. You need to understand people as well to create good client relationships.

It helps to be a bit odd and very creative, but still remain sensible with good manners. It is about being professionally creative and odd.

An Art Director also sells the idea to a client so being confinent with a good understanding of people would be extremely valuable. Being able to communicate messages clearly with confidence and appeal is also invaluable.

A copy writer takes time to research in to brands, the products and people. They have control over headlines and body copy. Copy Writers should also be able to communicate messages clearly and effectively but with type not visuals. A copy writer has more of a desk based job who has a sensible, academic approach to work considering the research needed to do, whereas an Art Director could be in England one week and getting jetted over to Hawai to shoot and advert the next week. A copy writers job is arguably more secure than an art directors because one bad advert, and you could be fired. Copy writers also tend to have bigger pay cheques and could be working with 4 different art directors at once.

I asked Kaye which role she sees me fitting in to. She mentioned that have attributes of both a copy writer and art director therefore would not want me to be pushed in to either. But as i have already done a visual based module it would be interesting to try the copy writing task just to see which comes more naturally.

I do see art direction as a more exciting and appealing job role but i am also open to copy writing. I found the presentation very informative and useful.

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