Monday 21 March 2011

What i have learnt from analysing some Philips poster ads

In conclusion I believe that Philips print based adverts can be both serious and fun. They know how to be serious when needs be with the light bulb adverts that is to encourage people being more eco-friendly. The other adverts are more humorous as they are not there to make people feel sad in order to change their purchase. Those adverts are there to make people feel good about buying these products therefore creating an advert that makes them smile or/and laugh, a positive feeling is evoked therefore they will be more willing to buy the product. Philips is a well known brand but they do need more than just there brand name on an advert as they are 3rd in ranking for selling products such as TV’s with Samsung and Panasonic being the market leaders. When they create type based adverts they make the background simple so type is clearly seen, read and understood. The message should be understood from the text. They use sans serif fonts to keep the advert appealing to the eye. Sans serif is a font that is popular as it is easier to read. From the adverts I have decided that I should have a simple background, use a sans serif font and not have too much text, as that is in keeping with the brands way of advertising. I want to use the brands colors or blue and white as they are not too bright or dark, clean looking colors that will allow the advert to be identified with Philips even if I chose not to add the logo. I want the advert to not be serious and have a bit charm about it, as the Philips adverts for there other products are quirky and likeable. They give off a positive vibe that would encourage the public to see the product as an appealing one. I need the advert to catch the eye so I have to either have a line that hooks them from the beginning or create the text in a way that looks different and interesting without the use of imagery. 

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