Monday 21 March 2011

This advert is one I really liked because of the ironic humor. The person is faced in the woods by a vicious looking bear yet uses their IPhone despite the situation. In fact the iPhone is helping him to escape it is that resourceful. You do not see the person’s face or body type therefore it could be anyone, including yourself. This has allowed them to reach out to many audiences instead of limiting them to a specific group by placing in a model.  The message is clearly understood and the lack of information makes it easy to understand instantly and not a chore to read. Despite it being a scary situation the approach to the advert makes it one to be smiled, even laughed at. The advert evokes a positive response with the audience and therefore the audience will be more willing to go out and by that product. The bear has an almost glow to it making it stand out in the forest, your attention automatically goes to the bear which gives off a sense of danger, After you see the IPhone and question why it is there before seeing what is on the screen, which results in a good, successful and likeable advert.

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